Ascend BPO Services are medical billing experts. Healthcare providers who keep medical insurance billing in-house express the most concerns about the process. Here is a rudimentary outline of our basic routine:
- We review your current procedures and provide you with a ‘state of the practice’ report
- We set up the lines of communication by establishing a billing hotline and email address
- We assign your practice to a highly skilled Ascend BPO Services account manager
- We evaluate your intake forms to determine the need for revisions
- We establish insurance eligibility where there are questions of coverage
- We examine each claim to confirm that all pertinent fields are complete and accurate
- We ensure that proper codes are entered for diagnoses and procedures
- We match patient visits to bills to identify potentially missing charges
- We arrange for insurance authorizations and maintain a database of requirements
- We investigate claim denials and rejections for resubmittal
- We communicate with carriers and insist on proper reimbursement
- We pursue all claims regardless of size to reduce bad debt
- We scrutinize EOBs for accuracy and post them daily
- We address needs for further information with patients and your staff
- We act as your satellite office and minimize outstanding balances
- We consistently supply you with detailed progress reports and issues
- We maintain our own internal audit system to check our work on your behalf
Our Contact Center
Our Interactive & Intelligent Contact Center applications bring together interaction processes and
client service best practices. Access a large range of capabilities to deliver an excellent customer experience.
Reporting and Analytics
Knowledge Management
Quality Monitoring and Reporting
Workforce Management (WFM)
Strategic Planning
Real-Time Speech Analytics
Outbound Dialing
Satisfaction Surveys
Unified Communications
Business Process Automation
Our BPO offerings are further enabled by the Ascend BPO / ITES Process Framework for Billing based
practices. Organized by process areas, this framework helps our clients in their approach to transformation,
saving time and costs.